General Information
  • Presented here, are text-aligned Sanskrit recitations with a friendly interface.
  • Use the accordion menu on the left to navigate through corpus.
  • Text and audio alignment has been performed using aeneas library.
  • As the audio plays, relevant portion of the text gets highlighted.
  • Clicking on the text navigates to the corresponding time in the audio.
Playback Speed
  • Use the slider to control playback rate of the audio.
Looping Controls
  • Looping controls can be used to loop the audio between any two timestamps A and B in the audio.
  • Ensure that the audio is in paused state.
  • Click on the button Loop (OFF) to activate the loop, it should activate and appear as Loop (ON).
  • Click on the text from which you would like the loop to start.
  • Click on the button A to mark the start of the loop. The time will appear in place of the text A of the button.
  • Click on the text before which you would like the loop to end.
  • Click on the button B to mark the end of the loop. The time will appear in place of the text B of the button
  • Play the audio.
  • To stop the loop and continue with the normal playback, click on the button Loop (ON).
Text Repetition Modes
  • This is an attempt to simulate 'Anūccāraṇam'.
  • Mode selector drop-down menu can be used to select the mode.
  • Three semantic units are identified, Paragraph (separated by two or more line-breaks), Sentence (separated by a single line-break) and Word (separated by space).
  • Mode P×2 refers to repeating each Paragraph twice.
  • Mode S×2 refers to repeating each Sentence twice. (Anūccāraṇam)
  • Mode W×2 refers to repeating each Word twice.
  • Note: At times, there may be a small error on the boundaries, stemming from the small error in the forced audio alignment. It can't be helped.